Dr. Fessler
Well I am going to get to see Dr. Fessler. He requires that you send your reports and looks at them and approves your appointment. I am hoping he saw something that might be fixed in my thoracic area. He seems like a great guy from emails and he is doing some great things with paralysed people. He just did the second neck surgury on Peyton Manning of the Colts, he also did the first. Only bad thing is it takes 3 months to get in to see him, and of course I have things going on now. A year ago I had all the free time in the world, damn my procrastination. Looking forward to talking to him.
PS. Regardless of what most Dr. say, I think some smorls nodes cause pain. If there is nerves in the disc and the disc herniates into the endplate, it just seems that there would be some inflammatory process that might go on. I have several in lower thoracic. Been doing some searching on the internet. Some interesting thoracic studies done here.