I am on the fence and falling off, Waiting for W.C. approval for a two level procedure in Colorado With Coflex and Staxx at two levels, giving me the worse problems L4 to S1. This does not address the other two levels above, L2-L3 being the worse, and L3-L4 bulging bad. However my L1 -L2 is perfect I need this level to stay that way.
Other surgical options are.
Four level fusion and Fusing my S-I joint Wyoming
Four level ADR Pro Disc, Germany $95,000
Two level Fusion Here in Jackson, Insurance would cover but other levels would not last.Not a good surgeon.
Two level fusion and Two level ADR with M6 U.K. $55,000plus travel lodging food etc.
Four level procedure Fusion, ADR,Fusion, ADR in Brazil lost contact and will not reply to any of my emails???
Stenium four level M6 $ 95,000
Waiting for a reply from Spain.
Other top surgeons will not help too many levels or will not accept Workers Comp
Tried to re finance our house Failed.
Selling all my toys Bikes,Skies, kids stuff,tools, Garage sale etc.
I am a prisoner trapped in my body. Cannot walk for more than Three miles, no yard work , Stiff every day, etc.
My neck is getting very painful looking into getting a MRI to see whats going on in there
Still no drugs, just some advil, etc
Loosing my mind, and not to mention the stress this is putting on my spouse,
I could go on but I think you get it
L5-S1 lam 1994
L2 to L5 DDD
L3 -L4 hern Dec 2007.
L4-L5 Annular fissure with mild central stenosis and moderate facet hypertrophy.
L2-L3 Right-sided neural foraminal narrowing at and L3-L4 related to posterolateral hypertrophic spurs and facet hypertrophy.
C3-C4 limited DDD 
9 injections Depo. P.T. 13 months 5 dose packs,
Nerve Block Injections.4 ESI S1
L5-S1 foraminotomy 09
L4-L5 Microdiscectomy 09 Reherniate 4-2010
Coflex-L Implants L4 to S1