You’ve asked a very important question.
First, you don’t move too much from the S1/L5 space so a fusion wouldn’t affect your movement too much. Some claim to not even notice the difference.
You should also be aware that a fused disc places a burden on adjacent segments, in your case, L4/5. Since you don’t move much from S1/L5 the burden may not be enough to cause further degeneration – or it might.
A discectomy also compromises a disc. It is forever altered and can also place a burden on adjacent segments causing further degeneration at both S1/L5 and L4/5.
Most of us with fusions and ADRs started with discectomies. Failed discecomties are quite common. I also believe, and this is coming from a perspective of absolutely no medical expertise, that scar tissue can hamper an ADR but not so much in fusions.
So, IMHO, I’d start with a discectomy. It is less invasive but you must be aware, it may lead to a fusion or more. Your back, your choice.
You should also know your choice of doctors is an equally important decision. Most of the time, you have one chance to get it right.
Good luck, Dale
3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it