Those of us with multi levels left behind
It make me sad and without hope that the spine community of doctors, devices, insurance, and FDA give little hope to those of us with multi level DDD. Even though we know how contined fusion affects the disc above and below; we continue to repeat the same mistakes. Here I sit with peek cage at 3/4 fusion 4/5-5/6 and in need of work on my 6/7 but ADR is not an option. 
female age 45, height 5"6", 145 lbds, non smoker, conservative treatments failed, (7/2007) C4/5/6 peek disc replacements,plate & screws failed fusion,
(9/2008) revision with bone replace plate and screws, (10/2009) C3/4 stand alone peek cage, (12/2010) facet joint injections C3-7, (1/2011) rhizotomy C6/7 failed, Trouble swallowing
most recent mri (7/2011) shows ajacent level issues: right neural foraminal narrowing C2/3, posterior bulge indents thecal sac at C6/7/T1 no mass effect on cord.