Asking them to 'legalize' the M6 and neodisc is asking them to abandon the idea of practicing evidence based medicine. If you want to bring a device to the market, you need to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of the device with CREDIBLE science.
Yes, the FDA sometimes stands in our way and keeps us from having access to life-saving technology. In other cases, it may keep us from jumping into a new technology too soon, before we understand the risks of the technology; keeping us from making a huge mistake. The system is not perfect. I don't even like it, but I do believe we would be much worse off without the much needed oversight of medical device companies. The device manufacturers are not in this for our health.
Also, the metering of access to the technologies comes not only from the FDA. Having proven and approved technologies that insurance companies still call 'experimental' 7 years after approval is of little help, except to the rich.
Yes, there is much to rant about, but not everything is as it seems.