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Old 04-27-2011, 08:28 AM
ADR seeker ADR seeker is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 120

Originally Posted by jsewell View Post
i am not on any bisphosphonates. I know they are poison, but all we have . do you have any better ideas?
I am also on corticosteroids for adrenal insufficiency . It is a life or death situation as my body just is not making any cortisol.We do need it to live so please put yourself in some of the situations others are facing and see what you would do.
I am very open to suggestions.
Google orthopedic use mesenchymal stem cells and similar searches.

You may find help here. This MD is doing regenrative stem cell therapy
Regenexx - Stem Cell Treatments for Joint Pain and Injuries

The extract stem cells from your fat or bone marrow and grow them for a few weeks and then they inect them into the disk, bone or tendon that need repair. form what I have read everyone get some benefit and the science is sound.

I hope this helps you get some relief or cure.

Get your vit D levels checked and if you are peri menopausal or post find an enlightened doctor (often and oxymoron) and get your hormones tested and get some testosterone. Testosterone builds bones and reduces pain. Most woman today becasue of the xenoestrogens in the environment are estrogen dominant and lack normal tetosterone levels

MDs lie and say that test can increase the risk of certain cancers but the science on that is weak. The reasons Black woman don't get bone loss is because their hormonal make up is slightly different than White or Asian women. MDs won't tell you that.

If you can do weight training give it a try and take boron and magnesium and vit D with your calcium and also eat leafy green vegtables.

Try a chiropractor but make sure he's reputable.

Here is a free online book on the new orthopedic science. Book on Regenerative Orthopedics | The Regenexx? Procedure

Last edited by ADR seeker; 04-27-2011 at 08:59 AM.
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