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Old 04-14-2011, 01:41 AM
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mmglobal mmglobal is offline
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Default Local Treasures!

Diane and I snuck away for the weekend to celebrate 35 years together. Nothing fancy... just a couple of hours south to San Diego. We had a wonderful weekend few days of rest and relaxation that included 2 plays, live music (Santana tribut band), walks on the beach and warm jacuzzi's.

We were both very surprised to discover Balboa Park. We've live in Southern California all of our lives and neither of us knew how great it is. It is not only beautiful park grounds. It has 3 theaters with an excellent productions (including a yearly Shakespeare Festival). It has many museums, including Air and Space, Natural History, San Diego Art Museum, and others. It is so nicely laid out it is a wonderful destination. 2 days there did not do it justice and there is much to go back for. We spent our time in the Art Museum, at the plays and enjoying the street performers and beautiful gardens.

Discovering such and unexpected treasure makes me wonder how many more there are out there.

What do you consider to be the local treasures in your area?

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