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Old 04-12-2011, 12:12 PM
Magrego Magrego is offline
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Seems the meditation has helped my pain relief. I have finally found a massage therapist that understands my condition ,It has been such a relief to be told it looks like I have chronic myofascial pain. Not sure if I have fibromyalgia. My Psoas and abdominal muscles even pubic area. AlsO my neck muscles seem to be in pain from upper back to lower back.

Myofascial release that made me realize I had chest pain also . Felt like a heart attack when I had it 3 years ago and it went away after 4 days when I use to live in london. It triggered a emotional release where tears came out of my eyes when he released my diaphragm as I had breathing problems due to chronic tightness. I thought it was my heart. Now I relised what I had been dealing with. I believe head on car accident and years of whiplash from other car accidents will bite you even years later.Years of working at a computer and cricket bowling used the same muscles that were used in the car accidents. My therapist believes the twisting action involved in my car accident was very similar to the years of cricket I played after the accident.

My therapist believes my body has stored a lot of trauma and is being released which I felt. This was amazing and have been experiencing better days but I relapsed into what they call a healing crisis. I have been experiencing some radiating and random fleeting pain throughout my body. I started taking muscle relaxers mainly due to muscle twitching.

I can finally see the light as some days I can sit without pain which is very exciting. I walk 45 mins a day although sometimes less depending on the pain. Pain in right foot and knee. Also hip pain also. I stop a have a warm shower that reduced the pain.

I have also stopes eating gluten, sugars, wheat and dairy. Seems to me it was the sugar and possibly wheat but I am not sure at this stage. I also have been focusing on walking with my core even with my eyes closed to be more aware of my body.

I realized life is about balance and being aware of your body. My mind and lifestyle was too fast for my body . I had neglected the pain and continued doing these habits that my job requires. We are still adapting to the evolution of sitting all day. I now use my iphone to do emails or research lying back in a recliner now which helps me reduce the amount of straining when sitting vertically.

I was wondering if the were any doctors in Sydney that know about chronic myofascial pain:/ I just want to have a gp that can help me and manage my condition as I feel I am disabled now and I am 28 who feels my medical system can't help me. The doctors keep neglecting me and saying it's in my head lol. I know I have cmp and no one can tell me except a therapist. In this day and age you really need a gp who understands as well.

Anyway the survival manual is the key to my success so anyone with cmp or fibromyalgia should have one. Also myofascial release is defiantly the best thing I have tried and it's only been 3 or 4 weeks and have noticed my body reversing through the cycle I got the pain. Human body is one amazingly painful and complexity has just astonished my earlier ideas on the human body. Pain moves in diagonals and spirals very hard to track.

Cheers magrego

Last edited by Magrego; 04-12-2011 at 12:40 PM.
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