rest after myelogram
Back in the late 80's when I had my first myelogram one was advised to lie down flat for 24 hours post procedure and drink plenty of fluids. Unfortunately for me if I drink fluids I have to get up to urinate every 15 minutes. I felt like I had an anvil on my brain or a building actually so had to go to ER be admitted, be cath'd and lie in a hospital bed flat even to eat for 7days.
In the early 90's one was told "we're using a newer contrast that's doesn't have the same properties so you only need to lie flat for 8 hours post procedure." Same thing happened to me exactly.
And actually I had the same experience w/a spinal tap that I had when I was 16.
If one is leaking spinal fluid the h/a pain can be devastatingly severe. I'd recommend at least 8 hours of lying flat in bed and drinking plenty of fluids. Most men don't have to urinate nearly as often as women unless they have prostate problems, UTI. or perhaps and STD so a guy hopefully can lie flat for that amount of time.
If you have a really severe h/a even with the flat in bed routine and plenty of flluids call your doctor right away. All that being said hopefully you'll do well w/o any h/a. I'd be careful re heavier activities for a few days just getting back into the swing of things.