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Old 04-07-2011, 07:53 AM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default re no surgery

Sorry to hear your pulmonologist didn't want to support the decision for surgery and at this time has dashed your hopes. Do you think perhaps you'd consider getting several more top calibur pulmonology consults to see what another pulmonary person might say? Not that you'd want to switch specialists though just wondering it as it seems worth checking out if you're able.

I realize this specialist knows your case and must have your best interest in mind (being able to breath on your own however limited) though I wonder if he is also staying in a comfort zone and the other surgeon most likely wouldn't proceed if your Primary specialist isn't going agree. Not that another pulmonologist would agree either although maybe have a more open mind or have some experience w/this (somewhere in this country or another)?

This suggestion might not even be viable considering it takes so much energy for you to breathe let alone do other things that take energy re travel and such.
I know I'd be bitterly disappointed as well altho hopefully be glad to be breathing as well. I'm hoping something will work out for you on with this.

Last edited by Maria; 04-07-2011 at 08:00 AM.
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