grocery shopping and travel
Must be fun for you re carrying bags up the stairs or carrying luggage up and down! I live on the 2nd floor and get good exercise carrying bags up stairs, pet supplies tho luggage is always a challenge when I go somewhere. I use the smaller suitcases w/wheels but it makes so much noise and is cumbersome if I have several things to bring.
I only recently gave thought to adjacent disc levels re some of what I do when I had to clear out, pack up and take care of my father's estate alone. That had to be the most phyical work I've done in years!
My cervical spine is sometime compromised and I find I have trouble turning my head to check things out when backing up, driving and such so usually turn my full torso. Twisting motion. Not right I know even w/ a non fused spine (or one with remaining probs/bulges).
I was down a long time too and that's why I'm pleased w/how much up time I have w/just being on some pain med. If and when that all changes and if more surgery is still an option I'd do what I had to do which is what you did it sounds like and seem to have had good results, actually pretty great results it sounds like re that 9 hour car drive and working still! take care!
Last edited by Maria; 04-06-2011 at 05:59 PM.