Originally Posted by dshobbies
Here goes my soapbox - anyone under the age of 60 knew smoking was deadly before they started. It wasn't as 'cool' as it was in the 40s and 50s though still creating an image. Anyone under 50 and smoking- well let's just say they're idiots who graduated from the school of stupidity with an advanced degree in moronics!
My Uncle reckoned he couldn't quit. 40 years of it or whatever. Recently had part of both lungs taken out, 6 months later given the all clear that its not currently systemic after going through all the god awful chemo.
Turns out after all that he could quit after all
People will say I'm cold blah blah... no one has any sympathy for a heroin abuser, or an alcoholic, in fact they look down on them... both brutal afflictions... but for some reason if a long term smoker gets lung cancer we're supposed to pretend it came out of the blue. Please.