Originally Posted by jsewell
I was so very determined to get rid of that thoracic pain and knew i could not live like that.
So hard to say. I do not like being tired all the time, which i am because i use all my energy to breathe. I am or was very athletic and need to get back into as much as i can. I am able to hike as of 2 weeks ago and enjoy it so much, being away from it all. But not far or fast do to the breathing.
but i could live like this for awhile , the pain not so long. Only if the breathing got worse i would need to be on oxygen all the time , now i am not on any at all and want some to exercise with. But i can't seem to convince my pulmonologist.
So i could not live with the horrible thoracic pain , it was worse. Only if the breathing remained stable, no guarantees either of that.
o man...this sucks

i hope you will fix this breathing problems...lately i have chest pain when taking deep breath...it so anoying...