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Old 03-28-2011, 02:53 AM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default buttock spasms

I too wonder about piraformis pain although am wondering if the cutting back of meds way back and the onset of this degree of pain have emerged about the same time? With a multi level fusion I'm guessing (really guessing) there could be various possibilities re pain generators and hope that you'll get some relief even before perhaps you might get a diagnosis although I am wondering if an injection of 60mg Toradol IM would help to alleviate the spasms? It helps me with severe cervical and low back spasms.

If you could get a bit of relief you could still pursue checking into what might have created this type of pain or what's going on clinically.

good luck and sorry to hear you're in this much pain and having to be bedridden for a week. I do hope things calm down ASAP for you.
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