Originally Posted by cp7959
Keano, thank you for the response.
I don't know to much about PLDD. Is the procedure broadly available? Or is it mostly performed out of the U.S or I think a Dr. Cho in Colorado?
PLDD is available worldwide for past 25 years. Its primarly used for small herniations but with time and when in experienced hands, it can be a good alternative for endoscopic surgery and micro-discectomy, in carefully selected patients.
I would not consider a Discography unless I was getting ready for surgery. From what I understand there are studies supporting discography, there are also studies showing discography creating pain in asymptomatic disks? So who's right, who's wrong? If it comes to that for me I hope I pick the right one.
You are right. From my point of view there are two issues here:
1. Experience of surgeon who is performing discography
2. Equipment for discography (read: discography should be pressure controled, but OR's rarely have this peace of equipment.
Also, intradiscal steroids post-discography could be a good screening method!