Originally Posted by Maria
I may have misunderstood as well. Thought one surgery planned for 5/18 was fusion and second surgery to be ADR 8 weeks later at L5S1.
Maybe you meant ADR at L5S1 and surgery later at L4 if necessary?
Or maybe I just got it confused completely.. if so, my apologies!
No, you understood it correctly. The L4/L5 is a newer injury (sort of) causing me a great deal of pain down the right side of my back and leg. All my other injuries were on the left side before, the worst caused by L5/S1 nearly 3 years ago. The pain I feel down the left leg is from a lot of nerve damage, and given the extent of damage and amount of time I've had it with zero change indicates to every doctor I've spoken to that it is permanent damage. The idea was to "fix" L4/L5 first, as L5/S1 may be a lost cause anyways?