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Old 03-17-2007, 01:49 AM
rob_zzz rob_zzz is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 34


Thanks for the reply - it gives me cause for some optimism.

Mark - thanks - yeah I've had lumbar scan (and thoracic) - no problems there. Plus I get symptoms elsewhere that wouldn't be explained by just lumbar. And this progression of symptoms all started not long after my neck injury.

snowboarding injury 1997 landed on head, some subluxation of cervical vertebrae no surgery, some ongoing neck and shoulder pain but bearable.

surfing injury 2004 - transient paralysis from neck down for 15 seconds, resolved fully - herniated c5/c6 disc plus some bulging at c3/4/5. Initially had dermatome pain after injury which resolved - general parasthesia in arms/legs was fairly mild after injury but has been worsening.
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