02-28-2011, 06:50 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1
Originally Posted by Tucson1
I have the greatest repect for Dr Filler in Santa Monica as he was able to
determine that I had not only a piriformis problem, but also a compressed
sciatic nerve. These are both in the same hip. If I sit or lay down it causes
jerks in my legs and upper body especially my head. I had MRI's of my back,
neck and head. Was told it was stenosis in my lumbar spine and had L2-L4
fused. I kept telling the neurologists and neurosurgeons I injured my hip. None would listen to me except Dr A. Filler. After an MR Neurography and
injections to varify his findings, he stated I could try injections, but did not
believe I would have much success with them considering my having a dual
problem. I live in Tucson, AZ and elected to try injections here from a pain
specialist. The doctor here a Dr Annabi could not believe the findings at first.
He did an exam of me and was surprised to say the least that Dr Filler was
infact correct. Dr Annabi who is also an assistant professor of anesthesiology
said neither he nor his colleages had ever seen this before. Doctor Annabi did try the injections on me, but they did not last, but a couple of weeks. I cannot go back to Dr Filler, because he does not accept Medicare. I am a
senior and it is my primary insurance. I have found two other doctors that
do peripheral nerve surgery as they call it that is required for my problem.
One is in Phoenix, AZ and his name is Nichalus Theodore. He accepts Medicare and he also uses MR Neurography for diagnsis. The other is at UCLA Medical Center where MR Neurography was developed inconjuction with Dr
A. Filler and Cedars Sinia. His name is Dr Pouratian. And of course UCLA
also uses MR Neurograpy and even advertises it on their WEB site as one of their diagnostic tools in their Neurology department. They also accept
Medicare as does Dr Pouratian. Good Luck and hope this helps.
Is the MR Nuerography at UCLA the same as Dr. Filler's in Pasadena? I understand Filler invented the technology and has a patent. I'm debating whether to get one at UCLA since my insurance covers it or taking on the debt with Filler.