No Maria. I do not get sick, there is no infection, it's pure asthma. I was told by my doctor that most allergies in children are due to an immature auto-immune system but adult onset asthma is actually a failing of your auto-immune system that will only worsen through the years. For me, this has been true.
I've watched my asthma go from nothing more than a nuisance to a huge problem in twenty years. Though my asthma is 'active' all the time, my attacks are worsening and coming much more frequently.
However, a commonality with your friend, I am also getting sick more easily than in past years. I find fighting a disease more difficult and a simple cold is now usually turning into an infection, mostly sinus, sometimes a uri. I try to be careful but now with 4 grandchildren, who I adore and live for,

, putting myself in harm's way is probably inevitable. Please indulge me for a moment; Jordan (7), Andrew (4), Jaelyn (2) and Makenzie (6 mos).
Though breathing the air is L.A. is bad enough, I believe all of this is a result of my parents smoking all my life, caring nothing about literally blowing smoke into their children's faces. Of course I could be wrong but there is no history of allergies in my family. Proving it is another matter entirely.