Questions about "nerves" after cervical ADR surgery ???
Fourm members,
I am 2-1/2 months post cervical ADR surgery c5/5,c6/7,c/7 t/1 and have some questions. I experiencing some pain when I cough or gag ( brushing teeth/goings) that shoots down my lower neck and into my lower left shoulder blade are about 2-1/2 3 inchs lower than my c7 t1 area. I also get the same pain sensation when I flex my heAd to far forward same area exactly. I am scared that maybe I have something wrong with the ADR or maybe a lower herniation I. My thoracic are, but my MRI showed t1 t2 to be fine. So is this normal and is it to soon to be worried. I had this pain before surgery and I am hoping that maybe since rye c7 t1 herniation caused a great deal of nerve root compression that maybe when my surgeon went in to clean it out that he irritated the nerve all over again and it is really pissed off. So is this somewhat normal and does the flexion improve continually with time! I am not in excruating pain but more like a dull ache that intensifies with a cough, gag or flexion forward of the neck to far. Would a thoracic herniation cause these symptoms or am I over reacting. Mark ur insight would also greatly be appreciated. I have no chest or rib pain and it is def in my lower trapezious are in-between my spine and shoulder blade muscle. I asked my surgeon about this through email and he said give it time, so I thought I would ask forum members who have stated about the pain in-between the shoulder blade area after there cervical procedure if they would chime in and maybe tell me what they experienced so I can calm my nerves.
Thank you all very much....