The stimulator did a pretty good job of reducing my leg pain by about 25 percent until all went wrong and started shocking my tailbone. I could never get it adusted correctly to work any better. Ever since it has been turned off I am back to the pre-surgery pain, actually a bit worse, radiating down my legs into my feet. It is a horrible burning almost like a hot rod is being shoved down my legs. The SCS never reduced the pain enough that I could stop the pain meds but it made it to where the pain meds were more effective. As far as my back pain....after the SCS surgery and emergency T7-T10 laminectomy I was left with horrible pain banding around my chest just under where my pec muscles stop. I was told that it is coming from T7 T8 area of the spine. This banding has been horrible and if anyone touches this banding or a big portion of my T-Spine Area it feels like I am being burned with a blow tourch. I have to be really careful when sitting in a chair or on the couch because sometimes the pressure from anything will cause this horrible feeling of being burned. The pain radiates around my chest but also radiates up from my T-Spine into my shoulder blades like a "V" pattern. I am really reluctant about the removal of the SCS because I could not bear to feel anymore pain in these areas and I am concerned that the surgery may worsen these symptoms.