I hope there are no issues with multi-level Prodiscs is women!!!! I had 3. I do believe that Dr. Delamarter is an excellent surgeon but Dr. B has more multi-level experience than any other doctor so I would think that he is your go-to guy.
My own experience with my 3 level Pro-disc, during my surgery I had extreme distraction/nerve damage to my left leg, which at 17 months post-op has still not completely recovered, nor is it likely to. I'm still hoping but fascilmate daily between hope, anger and depair. Is it better to suffer with a bad leg vs. a bad back? Most definitely, but it is still a disability and one I was not aware of prior to my surgery. I thought any distraction damage I might suffer would be temporary but this can happen even with a single level and I would think is unrelated to the Prodisc per se.
My back is doing OK and I still have issues but more than anything, and I believe this is the single most important thing I can tell you, is that I have my life back. Though more limited than a 'normal' person, there is little I can't do, barring sky diving and skiing! (How was your trip guy and gals?)
Though a little late, I'd still be interesting in discovering any success rate variances between men and women... Mark?????
Good luck, Dale (I answered your other questions privately)
3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it