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Old 12-19-2010, 07:53 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default welcome

Your written english is fine. I have a first cousin whose name is Carla, another cousin (male) Carlo and an uncle Carlo. We are Italian American. 3rd generation. I cannot speak Italian however can speak Spanish.

RE your discitis I imagine that is painful. I hope you have good medical treatment re this situation and/or a Pain Management doctor that is helpful.

I have autofused at my L5S1 disc space after many years of problems and pain at this level and the two levels above it. Had 2 surgeries (L4 and L5S1 discectomies). L5S1 was probably my worst disc space considering all the pain I endured over many years and also as you mentioned stiffness.

Now that L5S1 has autofused I feel much better. My spine even if autofused seems to have more flexibility and stability.

I hope this will happen to you as well. I cannot take Nsaids due to gut problems so even tho they were greatly helpful during the years this disc area was painful/problematic/stiff~ I was unable to use Nsaids or cox inhibitors.

I do hope you'll find relief perhaps when this level does autofuse. I'm glad it did on me and I didn't go for more surgery at that level. However that's not to say that more surgery like fusion or ADR might have made a difference earlier on.

good luck and please keep us posted. Your english is definately fine so don't worry about that or even apologize!!!
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