I want people who read this too know if you get worse from physio please get a second opinion. I was being tricked and manipulated to give more pain aggravating my nerves or had no clue what they are doing. I am very disappointed in the fact so called professionals will take advantage of their patients to have their injuries ongoing. also the surgeon who overlooked everything was probably his drinking buddy down the pub. good luck and thank you to those who care. The major nerve pain is due to the physio and I know it because ever since I attended his practice I became 80 % worse. He overlooked simple stretching techniques saying it was my discs. amateur physio or pro con artist you decide. but the doctor who solved my problems in 45 minutes was a fantastic gp. I feel really stupid now, although I was in a lot of pain stressing for a very good reason.
kind regards magrego
Last edited by Magrego; 11-20-2010 at 02:13 PM.