Lidoderm patches - experiences???
Over the last year, I've had many recommendations to try lidoderm patches. I've always resisted as I really don't want to add meds and transdermal patches seem like a big step.
Well, my reluctance was unfounded. I started using them a few weeks ago and I'm finding them to be VERY effective. I have three very distinct pain generators that may be nicely controlled (at times) with the patches. It's kind of unpredictable, which one may step up front and center. It's nice having the patches, because you can put them where they are needed. Low back, facet pain... works well. Mid back pain... works OK. Upper back and neck pain... works OK.
It's a little hard to understand how they may be effective at treating pain even though the medication does not get to the source of the pain. Perhaps it has to do with pain that is secondary to the source. Muscle tension and spasms that are the result of a deeper pain may be addressed with the 'topical' treatment provided by the lidocaine patches.
I was pleased to discover that the narcotic value of the 700mg lidoderm patches is almost nil. I've been told that the systemic absorption is almost zero... hence the guideline of not using more than 4 patches, even for those who are taking oral opiates. (As always... I'm not a doctor and I'm just relating information that I've received from a variety of sources. Don't act on this, other than to initiate a dialog with your doctor if you think they may be useful to you.)
In any case, I'm pleased with them and use them when I feel I need them. On days where I have an activity that I know will be to much, I'll use more than one and it really helps to get me through the activity.
I'm anxious to hear others' experience and comments about using lidoderm patches.
Thanks in advance for the help. All the best,