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Old 09-11-2010, 01:22 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default return from San Diego

chose to travel by bus again but it was a 3 hour trip vs. 2 and altho I didn't sit all the way, lugging stuff around and sitting for at least over an hour on return plus getting the public train and walking the rest of the way home I was exhausted when I got back.

Woke up the following day and my right shoulder was killing me from carrying a bag that ws heavy and my right thigh was burning. Car wouldn't start so had a day full of running around and errands that were backed up but got thru everything.

Had a big glass of wine, went to bed and today no burning pain in leg however still have the shoulder pain and now some neck pain too. Will take a muscle relaxer later to help with this I think.

So one good development seems to be that I seem to get over things quicker re my back insults as in the past burning pain would last much longer and that was even with 1800mg of Neurontin/day.

I have to admit tho that bus ride sitting did bother me tho not horribly.
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