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Old 09-07-2010, 01:06 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default My first Bellydancing Class

I have felt so good with my back that I decided to take a bellydancing class and started that on Sunday evening. I guess I thought it was just about shaking stuff however it's alot of isolated muscle group excercise and it's a super workout.

My everything hurt that was involved and when I went home I was sure I was going to wake up feeling maimed and beaten however was just tired mostly w/no backache or burning pain from the night before.

When I felt the burn of exercise after the workout I was sure that it would either linger and/or get worse so I was really happy to wake up without any of this going on and nothing into the day.

Wait.. my neck was killing me tho might have been as much from the position I slept in that night than from the dancing. That took some Fioricet to knock out yesterday. No other meds than my usual dose pain medication. No Neurontin. My feet also hurt in the morning (tendonitis) tho that eased up too tho came back last night and this morning.

My back is good! Whooohooooo!
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