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Old 09-03-2010, 07:07 AM
Jessica Jessica is offline
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Default Prodisc C5/C6 4 year

My 4 yr xrays are in! All considered, I am grateful for where I am at. I am working full time and then some. I do probably need one or two more adr's. I hope to wait until next summer. I have been through so much in the last 5 years. The feeling I have is that I would just like to go for a while with no medical treatment taking over my life. I am still MUCH better than I was before ADR and hope to stay that way.
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MVA 2005 - impinged and displaced cord at C5/C6
Prodisc C5/C6 2006 Germany - Dr. Bertagnoli
C6/C7 no bulge, just tears and fissures.
Multiple ministrokes 2009 prevents ADR surgery
As of 10/2010 no relief on radicular C7
Trying to arrange C6/C7 prodisc
FDA has not approved for 2nd Levels on cervical.
Headed to Germany as soon as I am cleared for surgery.
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