re your back
Like Mark I too had these acute flare ups (before my 2nd surgery and pain becoming chronic in nature) and like Mark my episodes were at first once a year then several times/year until they were every other month. That's when I had my first discectomy.
When I read that you were on medication for bronchitis I had wondered if you'd been coughing alot and perhaps were having spasms because of this.
If so an injection of 60mg of Toradol may help with that. This is what I get when my neck goes out and I can't turn my head at all or very little and same with my low back.
Good luck and hope your flare up will soon settle down tho I'd try some muscle relaxers if you have them on hand just to see if that helps tho injectable Toradol is what works best for me.
Somewhere else I replied to your post and inquired if you were experiencing any numbness or loss of function/tone in the involved extremities or bowel/bladder incontinence and or any significant deficit that would have you go to the ER ASAP? Hope not tho do hope this blows over as soon as possible pain and contortion wise.