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Old 08-03-2010, 04:15 AM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default my opinion

I have had the same areas w/problems as you. Even tho I had recommendation for both the 2 level ADR at one point and later a hybrid surgery with ADR at one level and fusion at the L5S1 level since I had started feeling better than I had in a very long time and much more consistantly I chose to do nothing more surgically.

L5S1 has pretty much autofused on it's own now but it has been a very long haul and I have gone the route of lumbar ESIs the last 10 years and low level pain medication and medicine for neuropathies.

I'd not recommend spine surgery urgently however to get opinions while you're feeling good and then maybe while you're in this process if your spine flares up you will have decided what you want to do, with whom, how, when and where.

I'm not at all unhappy with what has happened with my L5S1 level at this point without having any surgery done. I'm not convinced that everyone has to have surgery just because the disc space is flattening out. In fact I'm quite pleased with what I've been able to do in the last 5 years (again I presume from the L5S1 level autofusing) compared to the many years following my 2nd discectomy (failed).

While there have been many persons that have actually had their lives made better with surgery there have been probably been plenty who haven't. Even the best potential case can turn out not so hot so really think about what you're doing and make your decision for the right reasons. Be prepared for whatever result you might get from surgery.

Good luck of course with your spinal endeavor. Not trying to rain on your parade it's just that here you will find near every range of the spinal spectrum regarding surgery and/or more surgery. At one time I was very gung ho to have more surgery tho couldn't have mentally or physically dealt with another failed surgery and another set back after feeling so much better. So I let my body be my guide.

And yes, it's true.. I waited too long and the degenerative processes kept going on so I was told ADR was no longer an option for me so there's the flip side of the coin re getting things done while one is still a good candidate.

Last edited by Maria; 08-03-2010 at 07:36 AM.
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