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Old 06-27-2010, 07:39 PM
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Originally Posted by pylestone View Post
I was in a car accident in 2002, I think I had a laminectomy in Oct 2003 at the L5S1. I had on and off pain that I could handle up until Nov 2008 where I had a fusion of the L5S1 with flex rods, I keep having problems doctor did a MRI found that the disk above it was now bulging, she did nothing but sent me to a pain doctor that sent me to another doctor that ordered a diskogram that came back positive, I changed surgeons at that time because I lost faith in my first one for not listening. I now have a fusion of the L5S1 L4 without flex rods, I have been is so much pain at times I do not get out of bed to this day! All MRI with dye and myelogram with CT say there is nothing there, Dr is not telling me it is all in my head! Well let me say not being able to get out of a tanning bed and the pain I felt from the myelogram was real in fact the worst I have ever felt I just want someone to find out what is going on and give me my life back I am only 30! Someone please help!!!

Kelly from Ohio
Hmmm... Sounds so familiar! We were in the same situation.

Get a second opinion ASAP.
"The world of spinal medicine, unfortunately, is producing patients with failed back surgery syndrome at an alarming rate"

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