that office
When I first wanted to see Dr.Delamarter in '03 and WC would have auth'd it he wasn't taking WC patients at the time so I was given an appt. with another doctor there who totally blew or the office blew getting my paperwork done in time re WC's parameters so the auth for ADR (2 level) was withdrawn and I was back to square one w/WC. Had to go get a 2nd surgical opinion all over again (Mark was with me for this) and thankfully that surgeon recommended either 2 level ADR or hybrid surgery so then it took until '05 to get back to Dr.Delamarter's office and I was adament that I did not want the same surgeon that had seen me before because somehow either thru the fault of the office or the doctor or both my paperwork wasn't processed in time and I wanted an appt. with Dr.D. which I finally got.
I was then authorized to have surgery with Dr.Delamarter tho by this time started to feel better and wanted to "wait and see" if I just could get by without surgery because I didn't see the need to pursue something when I felt like I was doing OK.
So my experience with this office wasn't "all that" however they do see a volume of patients and Dr.Delamarter has one of the best surgical repuations around for ADR (and hybrid surgery) as well. I don't know if I'd see him for fusion.
I think if I were getting a multi-level fusion I'd recommend Dr.Frank Coufal in San Diego just by word of mouth with results.
Oh well.. there are plenty of people here that can give recommendations based on their surgical experiences with someone. I'm feeling pretty good with "just hanging in there" as previously posted.
Good luck~ I certainly don't recommend ignoring the pain if there is something that can be done about it and one can't function or quality of life is just not there. I waited mostly because of such a horrible second surgery outcome tho now I'm not sorry I did at all. Of course like any other spiney.. there may be more surgery in my future.