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Old 05-11-2010, 12:40 PM
iikingli iikingli is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 1

Good Morning all,

I had a quick Question, I had my XLIF in December on the L4-L5 Level, Im 28 and was in a vehicle roll over while in the military back in 2001, My disc was almost complete gone at which point i was forced to have the Spine Surgery.

I had a lot of Sciatic pain before as well as general pain in the back in my legs and my buttocks.

My question is how long after surgery do you start to feel better, I have an extremely hard time bending over (more so now then before) and my back is always in pain almost like an arthritic type of feeling, I am very hopeful that in time it will go away, and get better.

I try to stretch as much as i can with the limitations and pain but my back just gives out at times and I was looking for some friendly advice and a positive outlook.

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