i am coming up on my 8th year anniversary from a 2-level trials Prodisc surgery. This past saturday i was ATV riding at Dove Springs, in the mojave desert. it's been at least 10 years since i last went off road riding, and i am sore, theres no doubt about it, my leg muscles, and arm muscles are mighty
sore, but i have to BOAST that my back came through with flying colors, and i still have absolutely no back disc or muscle issues. WOW is about all i can say. Our 1st ride was 48miles, and the 2nd ride was 26 miles. The weather couldn't have been any beter, it was sunny and clear and hovering around 85 degrees all day All in all i had a BLAST and expect to go again soon! Just had to share this experience with all my spiney friends.......sometimes there is a light at the end of our tunnels!!