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Old 05-09-2010, 07:00 AM
ans ans is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 362
Default Facet Injections almost a miracle for me

(I mean *Facet Rhiztomy*)..

Dr. Leticia Lau at Cedars told me that she knows a method of giving an S-I rhizotomy that doesn't incorporate 7 needles and has a strong success rate. I believe her: she diagnosed my facet problems and despite knowing that I have a blown S-I disc, she speculated that if I have facet issues, a rhizotomy could get rid of all my pain. The Cedars Pain Group may all be so great technically but they are fervently anti any "narcotics", including Vicodin it seems due to fears of "opiate hyperalgesia".

Well, I did have facet injections from L2-S-1 and wish I was fried six times or so! I had a few days of (pardon the shout) of ZERO back pain. It was like how I used to be before 8 years. I was utterly mindblown and reflected on the deadening psychological state I lived in combating pain with meds, etc.

My response now is not full but I am able to 1/2 my morphine dose and will do everything to taper more.

I do not know how many facet injections they can give/year. If anyone knows, please lemme know. I want him to go in there and fry those nerves.

I have one article I think from Medscape that says ~ 50-60% of back pain is from the facets. Why this happens mechanically, I do not know why. I will try to hunt the article again.


Last edited by ans; 05-09-2010 at 07:01 AM. Reason: I meant Facet Rhiztotomy!
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