I say try it, if it helps than good for you......I will be using it when they take away my pain pills, which they are already talking about, and with their pain meds I am still at a 6-7 on the pain scale, so once they let the federal government tell them how much pain meds I am allowed and abandon me than I will be going rogue and using pot, it has worked for me in the past, and I will fall back on it again when needed. If God did not want us using this plant then he would not have made it.....and I am sure that the pain meds are messing with my liver, which pot does not, so that is another plus for pot...so I guess I will be moving to one of the 11 states that have legalized medicinal use and try to live as pain free as possible, if I can not find any relief than my life won't me much worth living, so there it is......