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Old 04-29-2010, 02:22 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default re epidural fibrosis

when I had my discectomies I was told scar tissue would form in place of where the disc material had been taken out so there wouldn't be a collapse so to speak. With my first discectomy I think that may have happened but it was odd that my 2nd discectomy nearly 3 years later caused me so much pain afterwards and about at the 6th month mark I think is when the scar tissue on SI nerve root was noted. I cannot remember the description but I believe it said something about "encasing" the S1 nerve root and was it left or right I don't remember.

The thing is that supposedly per my OSS the sacral nerve roots all exit the same place and the scar tissue may have caused clumping and the weird diffuse bilateral symptoms I had which were arachnoiditis like for nearly 5 years post that 2nd surgery.

Back then basically no one would touch me re suggestion of more surgery and I was even told I was "doctor shopping" when just seeking opinions re what's going on however things have changed so much now and I'm sure that there is a better way to determine what role if any this epidural fibrosis may play in your pain presentation or at least I certainly hope so.

Re bulging discs can be a pain enough from my own experience and I was told for the longest time that more surgery causes more scar tissue until the early 2000s thru 2006 when offered ADR and/or hybrid surgery at 2 levels.

Also I was offered RAZC for the scar tissue but that was in 2004 and from what I had read scar tissue responds best to this procedure in the first year of formation.

Currently I have zero idea how scar tissue is treat if thought to be problematic however Mark most likely does and I think some others here have much more recent info with regard to scar tissue and potential treatment.

Are you taking Gabapentin or Lyrica or something of this nature? You may have already replied to this question if I asked it earlier..
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