re this topic
I know this has been a terrible struggle for you, your wife, your family and the pain is horrendous. I can only imagine what you're thinking and feeling however the one thing that stuck w/me that Jim just mentioned above is leaving any blame re the surgeon out of a consultation w/another surgeon.
As best you're able present yourself and your symptoms as neutrally as able with regard to the surgeon himself. I remember now how after my failed 2nd spine surgery when I saw other surgeons for consultations I had to be very careful not to lay blame because I did feel for quite some time that he must have done something wrong or just not so kosher. Also I was unable to obtain my surgical records either and it was very difficult to even try as this was a WC case. WC didn't help me w/that end either I have to say even tho WC itself cannot be sued for anything.
I know you have to be emotionally spent with all this going on and that's OK to show as well as all your symptoms. Whoever is seeing you will likely formulate his or her own opinion as to what happened and you won't even have to go there with was something not properly done by the other surgeon.
You can always pursue the legal end if you so desire tho just try to get yourself medically/spinally taken care of as best able.
I sincerely wish you and your wife both additional strength and endurance to get thru all this. Just know you have to try to move forward as best you're able.