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Old 04-16-2010, 01:22 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default cogratulations!

Glad you made it back to work~ that is great news!
When I returned to work after my first discectomy (took 3 months off and went back to work part time for 3 months) I had pain for awhile still so I did less of seeing patients and more paperwork (Nurse Practitioner in OB-GYN and Family Practice Clinic at the time).

My last job I did Telephone Triage/Advice Nurse and I modified my cubicle so I could stand at my computer station to work. I had a thick spongy type pad underneath my chair so that I could stand on this and alleviate some of the pressure from standing on just the thinly carpeted floor.

I expect you won't need these types of modifications tho just thought I'd throw that out there in case you have to sit all day and are having some trouble w/that.

My husband is an IT person and he has to sit alot tho tries to stand as much as he can tho I don't think it's as much as he should.. he has an L5S1 disc bulge.

It's good to hear that you've progressed as far as you have and also about Dr.Coufal's good work! He is someone I'd consider having surgery with most definately if I ever had to have a fusion.
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