cd horizon agile
I also have the Agile in my back. I had my first surgery in feb.2007. It was a stabilization at l3,4 and 4,5 with the agile. after a few months a screw came loose and I had to have a fusion at 4,5 and they left the agile in at 3,4in july 2007. I had a brief period in the summer of 2008 when I thought I was going to be alright but the pain came back and has gotten progressivly worse. it's much worse than before the surgeries. i'm basically disabled. now they're telling me i need a fusion at 3,4. i'm so turned off to any more surgeries. i think my doctor may also have been paid to push the agile. i'm on the strongest pain meds available and they barely touch the pain. it has been a disaster.