Hi Kelly
We understand your frustration with the Canadian medical system when it comes to back injury. Canada is woefully behind in techniques and research regarding the spine. Bernard's from Ontario too, just outside Goderich, although now we are in BC. We've had years of backward thinking specialists who only wish to hold on to the little they know, and who care little for the difficulties their patients endure. We had one particular neanderthal in Kitchener, who actually pushed Bernard when he was questioned in his diagnosis that nothing was wrong with B's back, and that he was simple trying to fool the system. Anyway, it's very very true that people have a tough time understanding unless they've experienced something similair. I feel for you and hope you have someone, or better yet a few people, in your life who care for you and understand. It's terrible to be alone with this sort of thing. Feel free to contact us, Canadians have our own particular challenges in getting the help we need. We have email and a website: bernardsnewback.ca