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Old 02-23-2010, 05:42 AM
grantwb1 grantwb1 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 33
Talking Day 7

Ok day 7, .... oh how I wish it would come out easy!! Taking a pooh is like gettysburg to the civil war. I am stopped up pretty good, and all I can do is eat these little pills that are not working very well at all, then I can try the wax bullet(these were made as a practical joke). Ohhh ohhh then if that doesn't work I get to use these baby seal feeder bottles and shove one in my bum ,and get this put something more in my bum. This is just getting better as I go along. I got some fools water in my bum and it is making me feel like a twelve pack of corona'a has found the wrong exit and doesn't care... well I decided not to argue. Just the corona though, oh wait a minute..... what felt big just a pebble. Here is where the fools water is going to start coming into play. I really feel that if i push hard enough that there is something worth fighting for. So I endure two people pulling me in half for a while thinking this pain is worth it, really should pooing ever hurt this bad. That fools water keeps saying almost there mean while i am just crying cause it hurts so much and that is it. I had to give up on finishing my pooh! I am hoping that the gods smile on me and this is easier tomorrow, it doesn't hurt i have doubled up on all the pooh meds. I have not had trouble pooh this entire last year I was suffering.

Well I am now having some nerve differences that I have read other people have post op from fusion. I am still really worried about them. The main one right now seems to be on my left leg on the outside of my calf then follows up the back outside half of my thigh. My mother was putting some dressig on the wound and I found that if you press on the wound. I guess I am hoping someone can say oh ya that sounds like mine and that it goes away soon,

So far so good, if you are rootin for me thank you! This was defiantly the most difficult decision that I have ever had to make. Now with each new pain in my legs or back I am reminded just how close I am to utter agony.They really can be little panic attacks. I really do feel from the way the muscle tissue loosing up a lot faster than my first surgery that I had a surgeon that is just that damn good and cared. My back feels solid and my legs don't feel mega presure on them. Now with the Surgeon doing that good of a job hopefully I will not ruin his work by twisting or bending wrong.

If I lay on the bed flat on my back it presses on the bandageand I can feel it in my left leg.... is this normal. Is there anything I would be able to feel now that will definantly be a permanent problem??

Well it is too late and I am falling asleep writing this...... you up Mark???
I will reedit this tomorrow, I WISH ALL SPINY'S THE BEST

BI lateral pars fracture repair for isthmic spondylolythesis on l5 10/2/07. success for about 1.5 years.
Hardware began to fail, so on to the wonderful world of fusion l5-s1 2/15/10 By the wonderful Dr Frank Coufal. Great so far let see how good this will work!!

Last edited by grantwb1; 02-23-2010 at 06:35 PM.
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