re post surgery
RE post surgery I wish I had a forum such as this or any other to have posted on because many of my feelngs were exactly what you've written.. Vent away man because what you're saying is totally understood.
Re the compression stockings it sounds like the nerves invovled are really feeling beat up by the pressure or at least feel that way. Have you put in a call to your doctor to let him know how the legs feel w/the stockings on?
I realize what they are for and trying to prevent however torturous they may be tho just want to make sure that your surgeon is aware of your level of discomfort and response to the pressure.
I didn't wear compression stockings long post op first surgery or at all for 2nd so back to the Vet's who has fusion and can tell you all about it.
Wishing you the best even tho it's slo go re recovery here's hoping it gets better soon!