Nihola and Bernard
Very glad you joined this forum and appreciate your input on this topic.
I've often wondered if because of my long ago use of mj in a recreational way it usually seemed good if it was good (stuff that is) however being much older now and when in serious pain tend towards a depressive line of thinking that definately "thinking too much" would not be good nor would anything that would enhance the depressive train of thought.
I've been told with medical mj there are many more blends that are available than "back in the day" and it sounds more like going into a local coffee shop with all the varieties.
So it's interesting to hear Bernard's experience and actually I think it would be interesting to know more about medical mj and the varieties available that are prescribed to help various conditions (such as migraines, back/neck pain) because I believe that reaching that peaceful state of mind where musculoskeletal relaxation is evident would be excellent in terms of reducing spasms that cause pain if nothing more.
And just mental peace of mind goes a long way. thanks again.