I missed this event
My father ended up in the hosp. Dec.25th and is currently in a Rehabilitation faciltiy as he's 88y.o. and had emergency stomach surgery on 12/27 so my stay was prolonged but I've been busy visiting my father everyday and I will leave this Weds to return to CA.
My back is now starting to really feel crapped out even tho it held up well thus far tho 20 plus days of being in a hosp. and/or other facility tending to a family member and walking the floors as I once did as a nurse has really taken a toll on me.
I'm glad I lasted this long tho I'm pretty sure once I head home I'll be the one in bed! If Dr.Zeegers does anything local in CA that I can get to later in the week tho I'd sure try!
Hopefully more information can be provided about his presentation and thank you very much for posting what you have as well as the pm.