It pays to have children - sometimes. IMHO is in my honest opinion.
For me Lyrica presented all the side effects plus weight gain as did the Neurontin. Both muted my brain and my eyesight, something I found intolerable since I paint and write.
Yes, I did withdraw from N slightly before switching to L because I tried the lowest dose of Lyrica first. Weird but I withdrew from narcotics with no problem but both N & L gave me problems.
Many people have less side effects with Lyrica and it is definitely worth trying. Everyone is an individual and finding what's right for you can take time but usually worth the effort. In this instance, I'd go with your pain management doctor.
And no, I didn't mean to suggest that your tailbone was broken, but it does push up on your spine when you sit on it, thus your pain when sitting if it's pressing on something... or????
I had very little leg pain prior to surgery. My nerve root was 'irritated' during surgery and though much better, is still bothering me. In this instance, I found acupuncture, suggested by my pm, to be extremely beneficial. I started it about 18 months out but was told had I started 6 months out, my improvement would have been better.
You mentioned you pain is stabbing. Is this constant or intermittant? If intermittant, it also may be your nerves waking up as fuzzy suggested.
If you pm doesn't believe you, find another doctor who does. Nerves take too long to heal and damage may become permanant.
Also, if you have the means, you might want to consult with Dr. Regan in Los Angeles. He seems to have a lot of experience in revision surgery. Talk to Mark about him.
3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it