3 1/2 month update for left piriformis surgery to remove muscle and decompress the sciatic nerve. Most of my leg cramping and sciatica is gone. Unfortunately it seems to have been replaced by some numbness in my butt and rear thigh. I was hoping I would see some decrease in the numbmness by now but it is still significant. I did not have this before the surgery. Oh well. I am going to see a pain management specialist who does CT guided injections in the piriformis area. Maybe a little injection might calm things down. We shall see what he says. Maybe it could make things worse though. Anyone have any suggestions. Thanks
Rob Wilson
2/06 L4/5, L5/S1 ADR Stenum Hospital - Iliac vein cut w/ occlusion of iliac vein and hematoma
12/06 thru 8/07 Laser Spine Institute - 6 surgeries on L3/4 both sides, L4/5 both sides, L5/S1 both sides
4/08 Bonati Institute - redo of L5/S1 right
8/08 Bonati Institute - redo of L5/S1 left
12/08 Bonati Institute - redo of L4/5 right and left
9/8/09 Piriformis surgery for sciatica and cramping