Well, since you ask, Mark (nice site, btw).
I haven't been around at all because I had 4 completely pain-free months through the fall--and active, too, hiking 7-8 hours in the mountains almost every weekend. Going to films without being concerned about what would happen, etc. All stuff that I never imagined, or even hoped, to be able to do again.
Whether that was because of the injection I had a year ago or the huge quantities of supplements I started taking when that seemed a clear failure, or just time, I don't know.
Anyway, I felt so good I decided to take up Tai Chi to work on flexibility, which also felt very good--for about about a month. Then disaster hit. So now I'm back researching new developments. And being down again is a lot harder emotionally after having the chance to remind myself what life could, and should, be like...
If there's a 'moral' to this story, it would be that you shouldn't fool yourself into thinking that your back is normal, even if you feel great.