Wow, just wow.
It is going to take two or three readings through this again to wrap my head around your experiences. What a nightmare.
Are there no repercussions for that surgeon? What about their oath of "do no harm" ??
He must have graduated from the same school as the last surgeon I saw, who did no neurological testing at all, (even though several previous physicians diagnosed severe compression of my spinal cord, cervical myelopathy, through hyperreflexia and the Hoffman sign), yet decided that my numbness in my arms and hands was simply because of carpal tunnel. Again from no testing. There must be some way to prevent these guys from doing similar things to others, you'd think.
You are so right about getting support from others here. I want to thank you for sharing your story. Without it, other patients would never believe that this could happen, and would take their surgeon's word as gospel.
Take care of yourself. You certainly deserve it.