You're in very good company, my friend. I've been trying for almost two years to get to Stenum for four levels. Now it has grown to five. I've been battling the insurance gods, which in my case is our Provincial Government.
Then I finally found a surgeon in another province who could do the surgery and be covered, free of charge, but then this allergy issue came up.
So what I can tell you right now is to take the time to rant, scream, kick (but don't hurt
), just anything to get this legitimate anger out of your system. It may take a week or a month, but don't let depression take its place.
Then start again on your search for something that works. I've found out that there are a number of trials both on now and upcoming. Unfortunately they won't work for me, but you can google trials for spine surgeries, etc.
Age is a relative thing. While I'm a fair bit older, I had just started life again when this hit almost five years ago. I had just met and married the love of my life and was looking forward to enjoying everything that I never had, travel, adventure, a new it is all on hold until this is resolved.
You have a big advantage over me. Even if you decide to use one of the other discs and they deteriorate after ten, fifteen or twenty years, just think of the new technology that will be out there, and may replace what you might get now. And you'll still just be coming up to the age I am now. Believe me, 50+ is not old
, not when you are there. And you will still be in the age group that they will consider working on. Me, I'll be way over the hill if something breaks...I'll be toast.
So yes, rant for awhile, but then
start again!!!! You said it yourself, you have your whole life ahead of you, so make plans to enjoy it. Take that brilliant young brain of yours and put it to use by investigating every option out there. Believe me, they are there. Any chance of anyone taking money out of retirement funds or taking a loan? Those are some options others have used. And I know the frustration of not being able to do those either.
It took me two years to get a diagnosis and finally find someone to prescribe some pain medication. Then almost two more years of battling the insurance and now that plus the allergies, but I am not quitting. Every day feels like I am getting closer to the solution. Did I feel like quitting both for the day and forever? You bet. More than once. But I long ago decided to not let the bas*@*ds win. They Will Not Win.
Check out the Insurance Warrier's website. She has some very good ideas about battling insurance companies, if you need that now or later.
If you ever want to just rant some more, or toss over some ideas, feel free to PM. I'm here, and will continue to be even if (no, when) I win this battle.
Good luck. And no post like this is ever useless....